About Us

Women Education and Empowerment Movement (WEE) benefits more than 2000 women every month. We provide employment opportunities to women in five states, including Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh.

WEE movement also works in the fields of menstrual health education, through awareness campaigns in schools and other places, and free distribution of Utkarsh Nirali Sanitary Pads (made from cotton cloth, zero chemicals, and reusable for a year).

  • Skill-based training in sewing, beautician course, mehendi course, and more
  • Employment generation through Utkarsh handmade products
  • Menstrual health awareness campaigns
  • Entrepreneurship training

Our Commitment to Women Empowerment

Utkarsh believes in women power! We wish to make every woman financially independent as we envision a dignified future for women, from rural, urban and tribal areas.

A woman cannot be termed empowered in the true sense, if her voice is not heard and acknowledged. Our endeavour is to ensure respect, dignity and confidence to women through skill training and employment generation.

500+ Monthly

Skill Development & Training Centre

250+ Monthly

Employment Generation

15000+ Monthly

Utkarsh Nirali

5000+ Monthly

Let’s talk about period

Our Projects

Skill Training
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Skill Training

Utkarsh offers basic and advanced sewing, beautician, and mehendi courses for skill development.

Why Choose Us?

Why We're Your Top Choice for Women's Education and Empowerment

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Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel.

Create safe spaces or women's centers where women can access resources, counseling services, and educational materials.

Join the Movement, Support Women's Empowerment

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