Health is Wealth! Utkarsh Healthcare Movement contributes to making the lives of people and animals healthier!

Utkarsh will be organising several initiatives to ensure better health for humans and animals in the near future.

One of the main initiatives under Utkarsh Healthcare Movement is Utkarsh Rabies Mukti Mission. Rabies kills! Ensuring zero-rabies in animals also ensures zero human rabies.

Even today, rabies remains a threat in India, as more than 20,000 people die of rabies every year in our country. Shocking statistics that make RMM more relevant than ever.

Rabies Mukti Mission – 2025 is a unique and urgent initiative from Utkarsh, aiming to eradicate the killer rabies from Maharashtra by 2025. The campaign was launched in Mumbai, on 17 February 2021, at the hands of Shri. Sunil Kedar Ji, Hon’ble Minister for Dairy & Animal Husbandry, Sports & Youth Welfare (Maharashtra Government).

Utkarsh Rabies Mukti Mission works with the state government and municipal corporations and organises anti-rabies vaccination drives all over Maharashtra.

We have vaccinated over 1 lakh dogs in Maharashtra!

To know more, please visit

Our Vision

To ensure rabies-free Maharashtra

Our Mission

We aim to vaccinate every dog, pet, or stray, in cities, villages, and remote locations to make them rabies-free through regular and annual rabies vaccination drives.

Help & Support

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