‘Stray Together’ Can be the Solution to End Human-Animal Conflicts.

We conduct “Stray Together” in housing societies and other places, and offer solutions for peaceful and safe cohabitation. The aim of the campaign is to help humans co-habit with stray animals peacefully.

It comprises the following:

  • Animal welfare Activities
  • Sterilization and vaccination of dogs: Utkarsh undertakes the sterilization and vaccination of every stray dog in the area. Once they are sterilized, their population will be under control and you will not find many of them wandering around or their number increasing.

Vaccinated dogs are not a threat, as they will be healthy and well. You will no longer have to fear them.

  • Proper records of dogs in manual register format for society: The record helps to keep a check on animals, and if any outside dog enters the area, it will be easier to track them, catch them, and then sterilize and vaccinate them as well.
  • Complete care of the dogs: Once the dogs are identified, Utkarsh implements the ‘Voice of Voiceless,’ initiative through which we take care of the animals, their treatment, food and care with the help of animal lovers. The process makes the dogs friendlier and ensures their well-being.
  • Radium collars for each and every dog: It will serve two purposes: one, it will increase their visibility at night and prevent accidents; and second, the radium collar will also have information about the dog and that they are sterilized and vaccinated.

Why Stray Together

  • Sterilization will help in controlling the dog population. It will be easier to manage them if they are fewer in number.
  • Vaccination will ensure the dogs around you are rabies-free and safe.
  • Timely treatment and feeding will ensure the strays do not turn aggressive.
  • It will help keep track of the number of local strays and outside dogs.
  • Stray Together will benefit residents and other people who fear dogs or find them inconvenient.
  • Stray Together brings together animal lovers for the cause, but it also understands those who are not animal lovers and wish to lead peaceful lives.


  • Controlled stray behaviour
  • Decrease in stray population
  • Calm and non-aggressive strays
  • Fewer cases of dog bites and human-animal conflicts
  • Happier, healthier, and safer surroundings