Utkarsh offers free medical care to over 2000 animals monthly at hospitals in Mumbai, Ambernath, Latur, and Nashik.
Utkarsh Animal Welfare Movement aims at the well-being of all animals, from wild and domestic, strays and pets to birds and reptiles. It strives to ensure protection to animals through care, rescue and rehabilitation, education and information, legal awareness and involvement of general public. Utkarsh Global Foundation has set up a free hospital for the treatment and care of strays in Mumbai. The hospital was established in November 2006 and treats common and severe ailments in addition to accident cases. Every month, more than 4000 animals are treated at the hospital via OPD, IPD and on-the-spot ambulance treatment.
Stray animals are often neglected, subject to abuse or just are ill treated by many. We sensitize people to the plight of stray animals through our various initiatives and inspire others to care for stray animals.
Free Medical Care Facility for Stray Animals
Birth Control Programme and Vaccination for Stray Animals
Stray Together
Utkarsh Sanjivani
Voice of Voiceless
Radium Collars for Strays
Nutrition Food for Stray
Utkarsh Legal Cell
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Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel.
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